Copyright and usufruct:
(1) All photos, illustrations, text and other content, of both this website and the brochures, circulars, pamphlets and advertising of Banner GmbH and its sales companies, are subject to copyright.
(2) Any type of application, use, reproduction, provision to the public, etc. requires the prior written approval of Banner GmbH.
(3) The unauthorised use of pictures, illustrations, text and content subject to copyright in the either private or the business area, shall constitute an infringement of copyright and upon coming known will be met by a cease and desist warning, together with the assertion of claims for damages and legal action.
Banner GmbH
Banner Strasse 1
A-4021 Linz - Austria
+43/(0)732/38 88-0
+43/(0)732/38 88-0
+43/(0)732/38 88-21399
+43/(0)732/38 88-21599
Telefax Sales
+43/(0)732/38 88-21599
+43/(0)732/38 88-21599
Company register No.: FN 286124x
Company register court: Linz
UID-No.: ATU62962379